A plough, also spelt plow, is a farming tool that is used for tilling or turning over soil in preparation for planting crops. The plough is typically drawn by a tractor, horse, or other draft animal and consists of a blade or set of blades that are used to break up and turn over the soil. The basic design of a plough includes a ploughshare or blade that is used to cut into the soil and a mouldboard that is used to turn the soil over. The ploughshare is typically made of metal and is designed to slice into the soil, while the mouldboard is designed to lift and turn the soil over, creating furrows for planting.
There are many different types of ploughs, each designed for specific farming tasks and soil conditions. Some common types of ploughs include the mouldboard plough, the chisel plough, the disc plough, and the subsoiler. Ploughs have been used for thousands of years and have played an important role in the development of agriculture. They have helped farmers to increase crop yields and improve soil quality, making it possible to feed growing populations. Today, ploughs continue to be an essential tool for farmers around the world.
Ploughing is an agricultural practice that involves turning over the soil to prepare it for planting. Here are some benefits of ploughing:
Types Of Plough -
There are various plough types that span all plough categories and improve agricultural productivity. The tractor plough varieties are shown here to categorise the models.
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Its primary purpose is to turn the soil's top layer, bring fresh soil nutrients to the surface, and bury weeds. It is agricultural ploughing machinery. Ploughing can be used by a farmer to plough his field and plant seeds. It allows oxygen to enter the soil, improving its ability and hydration.
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